Events at Seville Community
Church of God
Fellowship Opportunities Each Week
Throughout The Year
OUTREACH is a youth group. We strive to address real problems facing youth with Christ at the center.
Snacks | Drinks | Games

Adult Bible Study
Sundays @ 9:30 a.m.
Join Pastor Matt Ogle for an in-depth study of the Bible. Increase your knowledge and see how its teachings are relevant to your life.

Grief Support
1st & 3rd Wednesday of Each Month. Stop by the connections table for more info.
A time to come together and share in our life experiences while enjoying
a meal or coffee.
Meets Monthly. Stop by the
connections table for more info.
The Women's Ministry provides for the spiritual health of the congregation through event support.

Women's Small Groups
Visit the connections table and download our Church Center app for more info about available small groups.
An in-depth study of the Bible with women of faith in a home setting.
search for Seville during setup

Men's Small Groups
Visit the connections table and download our Church Center app for more info about available small groups.
An in-depth study of the Bible with men of faith in a home setting.
search for Seville during setup

Men of Iron Men's Ministry
Meets Monthly. Stop by the
connections table for more info.
The Men's Ministry provides for the spiritual health of the congregation through event support.
Events Calendar
Stay Up-To-Date With Current Events And Facility Usage
If you'd like to use the church facility for an event, please complete this form.