About US

A Thriving Congregation in Seville Township
Seville Community Church of God is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately to a vibrant faith.
We have a long, proud history of serving the Seville community. Through the dedication of our leaders and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and are here to spread His message. Connect with us today to find out more about becoming part of the Seville Community Church of God community.
What Does a Sunday Look Like?
A typical Sunday Worship will include some songs of praise and worship, a Christ-centered Biblical message, a time of prayer, and warm fellowship. We are a small country church that loves to spend time together. That usually includes laughter, tears, and, of course, food! Come as you are. You'll see everything from shorts and jeans to ties and dresses. We worship with contemporary music and the occasional hymnal, but we love to hear the musical talents from people in our community.
Vision Statment
We are part of the Great Lakes Conference, Churches of God. We are united with the 40 Churches of God that make up this region in a cooperative ministry to win people to Christ and build them up in the faith.

We are a part of the Churches of God, General Conference, Great Lakes Region
In 1959, the General Eldership approved a declaratory and authoritative statement of Teachings and Practices of the Churches of God. That Bible-based declaration set forth in order things most surely believed among us. It was not a creed. The Bible is the only true standard of Christian faith and practice. The Bible is God's Word, a revelation from God to human beings.
The usefulness of such a declaration became apparent as early as 1844 when John Winebrenner prepared for the church twenty-seven points as her "avowed principles" constituting a "short … declaration, showing her views, as to what may be called leading matters of faith, experience and practice." Again in 1863, as an outline for instruction in the blessings of the Christian faith, Christian H. Forney pointed out the value of "a handbook for the ministerial novitiate, the layman, the Sabbath School teacher, and all those who love the doctrines of the Church."
To meet the additional needs then emerging, the General Eldership in 1925, speaking in a representative capacity as our highest ecclesiastical body, adopted a doctrinal statement of fourteen unnumbered points, substantially the same as that of 1844 from a doctrinal standpoint. And again in 1959, to respond to emerging concerns, the Church adopted the statement known as Teachings and Practices of the Churches of God.